About Us
Our core values reflect our desire to provide the best and most appropriate care possible:
Impact: we make a difference by relieving the burden of disease now and for the future through our research, clinical care, education, outreach, and advocacy.
Excellence: we pursue excellence relentlessly and with integrity in all that we do, adhering always to the highest standards of conduct.
Compassion and respect: we constantly strive to show compassion and respect for those in our care and for one another.
Discovery through Clinical Trials: we foster the spirit of inquiry, promoting collaboration and innovation across traditional boundaries to extend and improve the quality of life for the patient with cancer, to extend and improve the lives of populations with cancer or at risk for cancer and to contribute to society via cancer research, to perform research of the cause, prevention, treatment and cure of cancer and associated conditions, to serve as a focal point for discovery, development and delivery of novel concepts in cancer detection, prevention and treatment to patients and to society.
Integrity: we will strive to demonstrate integrity in all that we do by following all policies and procedures, fulfilling commitments, obeying all legal regulations, safeguarding the privacy of our patients, and in every way seeking to earn and maintain the trust of our patients, vendors, payers and all other we come in contact within the course of our duties.
* A full and permanent ‘cure’ is often not possible and cannot be guaranteed.